We escaped this weekend for Sophia's (Kelly's) 30th birthday. This weekend has been planned for months and a little snow wasn't going to keep us from going. As we drove up Friday night, peeling out of the parking lot at school and our neighborhoods, we couldn't get to our humble abode fast enough. Our colleague Claire let us rent her fabulous cabin for the weekend and it was the perfect setting for our little get together.

The cabin was fabulous! Did you hear us screaming, laughing, cheering when we got there and turned on the lights? It was perfect. We texted Claire when we first got there and told her that we simply were not leaving. Within the first twenty minutes, drinks in hand, we were planning on when to bring our families back with us. We have been known to share every once in a while and we figured this might be one of the times we could play nice.

The Meals--I thought I would document the health portion of the weekend. You would think that just because one of us is a veegan--due to her health--that our menu this weekend would have been considerate of that. I am here to tell you...not so much. She was on her own. We planned each of us to take a meal to prepare and that way we didn't have to leave the kitchen/couch area of the cabin to go out to eat. Within the first thirty minutes of being there I was already busy making my breakfast casserole for the next two mornings. Drink in hand, ingredients added, breakfast was done.

Other goodies...

The Drinks--Dorothy (Lynn) let out a scream during one of the more white knuckle moments of our drive. When we yelled...WHAT??? WHAT IS IT???? She screamed that she forgot the Jungle Juice. Now, I understand the scream/panic, because I was going to pretty much have my glass full of it the entire weekend, however our driver did not share in her rage. We learned quickly that Blanche (Kristin) does not appreciate a blood curling scream out of nowhere during a snowstorm. Who could blame her! Anyways, when we got the the cabin, a grocery list already being made for the morning, we were greeted AGAIN with Dorothy's bust your ear drum screech....she had brought the Jungle Juice. All was well in the land of the drunk girls for the weekend. This is the Jungle Juice.....

The Plan--The plan for the weekend....simple--nothing. We had no plans. We each picked our spots on the couches, cranked up the fireplace, and chatted. And chatted. And then chatted some more. I had bought three books for the weekend, a little anxious I would get through each of them and not have anything to read...however, I made it to page 15 of the first book. This admission is shocking to most of you, and not lost on me. I could not believe I came back with three unread books. Did I mention that we just sat and chatted???
Before the trek...

That was us. Clueless to the trek before us. As we left cabin at noon, little did we know that by 2:00pm, we would only be at the Raley's four miles from the cabin. Say it with me...ROOKIES!!! As the drive was long, all of us just kept reminding ourselves how lucky we were that no children under the age of seven were in the car with us. No crying, no whining, and no potty breaks to deal with. We passed the time...you guessed it, chatting. Occasionally the birthday girl would SCREAM at the top of her lungs, "I can't believe we are still in F%#@ing TAHOE!" We would just remind her that we were in no hurry to get home and it was okay. This from the girl who was praying we would be snowed in.
Speaking of snow. It snowed. And snowed. AND SNOWED. On Saturday at 12:00PM, I was thinking, "Oh, how pretty...it's snowing." By 10:00PM that night, I was saying, "Oh shit, it's still snowing." We had all joked about leaving lesson plans in case, gosh darn it, we got snowed in. But, in all seriousness, we needed to get back. So, for ten hours straight we watched a little winter wonderland surround us. The next morning we saw that it was probably okay, not too much that it would have stopped our trip back. Five and a half hours later, we were home.
Here is a picture of our view on the drive home.

Thanks for a fabulous weekend ladies. Happy Birthday Sophia!!!