Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baseball Pictures as Promised

Here are the pictures I promised. 

He was completely stoked to be playing catcher!!

It's a hard job....

Out at first.  :(

Safe at home....sliding of course when the ball was no where near home plate.

One of these kids is all business...

Running to third.

Third base coach...Cousin Beau

Love the intensity...

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Happy Place

Yesterday I went to my happy place.  There are a few things in life that get me to my happy place.  Some are more important than others.  Some are embarrassing.  Some are just plain ridiculous.  And some are FABULOUS.  Yesterday was fabulous.

First, let me list a few of my happy places...
  • In line at Starbucks.  I really believe being in line with the anticipation that I will be ordering is more satisfying to me sometimes than actually taking the first sip.
  • Getting into bed each night.  I have a love affair with my bed.  I think it is the most comfortable bed in the world, and top it off with a list of shows to watch on my Tivo....HAPPY PLACE!!!
  • Walking through the gate at Disneyland, walking to the right and passing the sign that says, "HERE YOU LEAVE TODAY AND ENTER THE WORLD OF YESTERDAY, TOMORROW AND FANTASTY"
  • Ocean Ave in Carmel, future residence.
  • Sitting at a slot machine with Rich, ordering a drink, and him giving me a play-by-play of how I am losing all my money.  He maybe annoying, but he's mine.
  • Matthew and Ryan kissing me before I ask them.
  • An empty house.  (Save your comments...I know they grow up fast and I will miss the noise one day.  But I'll have you know that Ryan is screaming in the background as we speak and Matthew is laughing at him...enough said)
  • The book store...which brings me back to the reason for the post. 
Yesterday I was in one of my most favorite happy places.  I almost didn't go.  We had friends over for dinner last night and I didn't want to rush around on a Sunday and not feel relaxed and prepared for when everyone showed up.  However, my husband knows me to well and said..."Get in the car.  You will regret it and I am not going to live with you complaining about missing it."  So I got in the car.

We drove up to Sacramento to the annual SPCA Book Fair.  I had gone a couple of years ago and it was fabulous.  Yesterday was the last day it was open and that meant HALF OFF SUNDAY!!!!  That is Rich's happy place.  Anyway, we arrived at 11:00am, promptly when it was to open and I saw a line of people around the corner.  As I walked in, a calmness came over my body and I knew I was with my people.  There were hundreds of people with their heads down reading over thousands of titles of books.  I was in heaven.  Rich took the boys down to Jamba Juice to get a drink while I grabbed two paper bags and just started dumping books in.  When they joined me to give me my drink so I could re-fuel, I simply said, "Thank you.  Now goodbye, you no longer exist to me."  Forty-five minutes and twenty-two books later (for the bargain price of $14.45), I walked out with enough books to last me a while. 

Ahhh...say it with me....HAPPY PLACE!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We had Matthew's baseball game last night.  And I know I should be posting pictures of him playing...and I will...but I had to share these.  This is what Ryan does why Matthew plays.  He wanders.  He's a wanderer. 

I promise, promise baseball picture next week.  All the ones I took didn't come out because I didn't have my long lens on and most of the pictures I cropped were blurry.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mr. Telephone Man

We teach them important know for "in case of emergency."  Phone number.  Address.  Cell phone number.  Emergency.  All of those important contacts in case of that one slight chance they will need them.  You know...the happy ending kind where the stranger actually reaches out to return the child to the parents.  Not the post-office wall or milk carton kind.  The "in case of emergency" good kind.

Somebody needs to tell that to my oldest son.  Because apparently in his attempt to line up a play date...he gave our number to a little boy in his class.  Without telling us.  And the little boy apparently memorized the number, because in the last three days...he has called the house nine times.  NINE TIMES! 

As Matt got in my mom's car on Tuesday, he asked if he could have a playdate with this little boy (Now at this point, I had no idea he had given our number out).  I told him, "No, because I don't know his parents."  Matthew responded... "It's okay, I do." I took just a few moments to explain to him that is not exactly how things work. 

The little boy (who I do like and think he is super sweet) started calling three days ago.  He left to messages on the phone.  Yesterday, he called two times...this time not leaving messages.  Today, he called five times.  Now, we recently got caller-id.  I know...GASP!!!  Rich paid for caller-id?????  No, don't be crazy.  He called the phone company and got it free for a certain period of time.  After that, I'll be back to the good ol' days.  So anyways....back to the five calls today.  He started calling about 3:46.  Then at 4:13.  At 4:32.  At 5:15.  And finally at 5:19 I picked up the phone.  This is how the conversation went down.....

Me:  Hello?
Dead Silence
Me:  Hello?
Little boy:  Hi.  It's &$^#&%@.  Is this Matthew's mom?
Me:  Yes it is.  Hi &$^#&%@. 
Dead silence (faint footsteps heard, then door opening)
Little boy:  Dad.  It's Matthew's mom.
Dad:  Hello?
Me:  Hello.
Dead Silence
Me:  This is Matthew's mom.  &$^#&%@ called over here and Matthew is not here right now.
Dad:  He called?  He called your house?  Oh.  Okay.  Sorry.
Me:  That's okay.  Bye.
Dad:  Bye.


Needless to say, I have had a talk with Matt and how he has to ask permission to give our number out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

Happy Easter!  Yesterday was a busy one, so I will post pictures and do a picture walk.  I know...I scream elementary teacher.


And they are off!!!

Ryan is more confident this year.

The Loot!

After they were done.  The smiles are nice, especially since Ryan can't count and compare numbers yet.

The Dude!  He may be old, but he is still our puppy dog.

Before they ruin their new clothes completely, a nice Easter picture is in order.

My favorite big boy!

My favorite baby boy!

Goofing around in the wysteria tree.

Playing around with Lady, Great Grandma Jean's dog.

Round two at Nana and Papa's

This boy is all business.

Taking his sweet time...

Because he was so busy with all the places he had to visit, the Easter Bunny finally made it to our house in the afternoon.  By that time it was raining, so he was kind enough to leave this note for the boys.

The very perceptive Easter Bunny was very thoughtful in getting Ryan a Yankee hat and shirt to wear when his brother starts his baseball season this week. 

And who would have thought that the Easter Bunny would remember the wrist band and head band that Matthew picked out at the Laker game last month.  This Easter Bunny is on top of it!

Eggs anyone???