You gotta love a preschool that accepts an invitation to have a graduation at a winery. A little girl in Ryan's class is lucky to live at this place! Oak Farm Winery might be the coolest place I have been in a while. More pictures to come down below, but it is only fair we talk about the boy who graduated today! (BTW...Music choice selected by Ryan because it is one of his three favorite songs)
The procession walking in...
I was lucky enough to snap this picture when he was looking at me...because he wouldn't make eye contact most of the walk in.
Look closely at the bottom of this picture...there is a slight wave of his hand. It's slight, but it's there!
Ryan getting his award from his teacher Ms. Lori. She has been the best teacher for him and we have loved having her as his teacher.
A proud, proud boy!!
There Star of the Week posters were hung all along the outside patio area. Notice that Kobe got an honorable mention three times and there is only one picture of his parents.
Perfect place for a bounce house!
The eating area. Next to this is an old barn with light strung across..perfect place for parties.
Time to go....Happy Graduation Ryan!!!!
And now a picture walk of Oak Farm Winery.
The old barn and the new patio structure.
Even though they hold events on the property, the family lives at the main house which is located in the middle of property.
This is the view past the oak tree on the opposite side.
And one shall never go without a man-made pond in your backyard.
Out back by the pool.
My summer to-do list. We are making the boys learn how to swim this summer. They don't want to simply because they have a fear of just trying to learn, but safety out rules everything and it's time to be safe. Isn't this picture pitiful? Rules are...If you can't swim, you don't get to get near a pool. Hopefully this will motivate them to learn!