I really don't have a lot to share. I feel we have been quite boring lately (not that we were fascinating in the past) and there hasn't been too much to share about.
About a month ago our entire house (with the exception of Matthew, so I guess it wouldn't be the ENTIRE house) became sick as dogs. Rich, Ryan and myself were of zero use to anyone or anything. I haven't quite gotten over mine. It is still there simmering as a reminder that maybe I really should have seen a physician to help get over it.
Recent happenings in the Marini household...
Let's start with Ryan. See that small black thing resting next to our house key? That would be the eraser that had to be surgically removed from his ear after he shoved it in on accident. How, do you ask, does that happen on accident? Well, picture yourself as a seven year old in class, showing off for the girl that sits behind you, and you stick an eraser just in the lip part of your ear. After you have successfully gotten an eye roll or a giggle, you then try to remove the eraser---only to have shoved it in your ear so far that it can not be seen by anyone without a medical tool.
I recently shared this picture on Facebook with the caption saying something to the effect that he deserved the cup of coffee that I gave him since he had been up since 6:15am doing homework. And it wasn't because he didn't do it the night before, we just told him to stop and finish in the morning because it was going on three and a half hours straight of him at the kitchen table. The boy has worked his ass of this year. There are no if's, and's, or but's about it. Will he be prepared for middle school? Yes. High school, possibly? Yes, maybe. All I know is that he hasn't complained a single minute about the amount of homework, projects or reports that he has had to do so far this year. He is NOT his mother. I like myself a soapbox and I usually enjoy screaming from the top of it. He is a better student than I ever was and I could not be prouder.
Ryan had an art show in class the other day. Listen....this is a breath of fresh air!!! Why??? Because we NEVER really have time to do art anymore and it is ridiculous that this simple part of school that we all remember and loved is dying a slow death. First grade should be all about expression through different creative ways and I am so glad that Ryan's teacher is making this an important part of their year.
I am a little confused as to which mother he is referring to below. Who is this person and have I missed the days she has come to cook for my family and I missed out on a free meal?
And basketball season (for Parks and Rec at least) came to an end yesterday. I love this group of boys! Most of them have been playing together for the past three or so years and they have really grown as a team. And three of those darlings happen to be my current students. Jeff Plunkett has been a phenomenal coach and we were so proud of the season they had.