Today the kids went over to my Mom's house and made some fun Halloween treats. First of all, let me say that my Mom and Aunt Leath totally went all out with art projects and cookie making.
When we got there this morning, the first thing they made were sugar cookies. My aunt was nice enough to let Matt roll out the cookie dough even after he sneezed on the ENTIRE LAYER OF ROLLED OUT DOUGH! I had to leave the room. After the cookies cooled, both the boys frosted and decorated them with Halloween sprinkles, m & m's and candy corn.
Next was a Halloween picture that both of them got to color. Matthew also did a maze and a word search while Ryan attempted to steal more m & m's.
They then moved on to the ghosts. These are way cool. In fact, I made one with my Aunt a LONG time ago and I remember getting it out every Halloween. My Mom and my Aunt were brilliant to think to make one the night before because they take overnight to set and there was no way we were leaving my Mom's today without Matt taking one home.
After that, the boys made little spiders out of pipe cleaners and glued eyes on the tops of their heads. These are so simple and so cute!
And finally, Matt made me a candy corn candle that will "Help light my way", he said. It will be in our window Halloween night so everyone knows that we are festive...just smart enough not to be home.:-)
Hats off to you---Mom and Leath!! What a great day of fun for the boys and a great way to get our holiday season off and go pour yourselves a glass of wine.
what time next year can I drop Leah off?