This was Natalie's second trip to DL and I love watching her while she is there. My kids have been there so much, that it is understandable they don't get as excited anymore. They know exactly what they want to go and we go on the same rides OVER AND OVER. With Natalie, it is so fun because she gets so excited about all of the rides and things she sees. I think by far the tea cups and small world were her two favorite rides.
Here she is with Greg's dad and Noelle on the tea cups.
Here she is coming out of small world. This is a fourteen minute ride and she does not move the entire time we are on it and she looks at everything. I love it!
In her therapy sessions she has been learning all of the characters. So it was no surprise that she was super happy to see this guy!
When Rich and I walked into the gate at DL on Monday morning it was about 9:30am. He turned to me and said, how long before you think we will see someone from Lodi. I told him noon. At 12:01 we walked into the Pizza Port and saw Daphne and her family sitting at one of the tables. I had on sunglasses and tried to keep walking. I know this might sound mean, but I really don't ever want to run into students or families I know while on vacation. Well, they must have seen Matthew while he was walking through the restaurant helping Rich with the food, so they came over and said hi. They were super nice, just said hi and then left. The next day we ran into them on the Autopia ride and I snapped this picture of Matt and Daphne. Now, some of you might remember her...she was the little girl Matthew kissed the second week of kindergarten last year. But seriously...look at the picture. Can you blame him? Isn't she DARLING!!!! I had her older sister a couple of years ago and they are a neat family. Daphne wanted to share a car with Matthew, but unfortunately they were both too small to be by themselves.
Matthew and Daphne
Next picture is the boys on Toy Story Mania. By the way, Ryan calls it Toy Story Manier and refuses to be corrected. Shocking, I know! Anyway, this was the very first time they have been on a ride together without Rich or I sitting with one of them. After that, they wanted to ride all the rides without us.
Here is Auntie Noelle and Ryan on Autopia. Uncle Greg and Auntie Noelle were VERY NICE and UNDERSTANDING about the boys wanting to ride with them on EVERYTHING. Rich and I really were there to ride either together or watch them ride on rides with other people. I love this picture!!!!
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