Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Snow Fun Part 2!

On Saturday, we packed up the car and headed up to play in the snow with the Locke's. They have been going to Mace Meadows Golf Course for a couple of years now when there has been low snow. It really is the perfect place to run around, have snow ball fights and go sledding down a make-shift hill.

Here are all the kids right when we got up there. They are ready to go! Well, everyone except maybe for Ryan.

Here is Camden eating snow. What???? It was's fine.

This is just genius...thanks to Lynn. Why not use the kids play stuff to stand on so our feet don't get wet???

Matthew was thrilled to take the football out and throw it around on the "driving range."

Darling picture of Kirsten and Camden.

The first of MANY snow ball fights.

Jason and Colson sledding down the hill!

Perhaps my favorite picture from the day. Too cute!

Colson playing in the snow...approximately five minutes later he was smart enough to head back to the car and watch a movie where it was nice and warm. Ryan joined him soon after.

Jason and Kirsten sledding down the hill.

Camden and Ryan about to head down together. They had so much fun!

Lynn and I....this pretty much the extent of what we did that day...nothing.

And Ryan! Look at that face!!!! The look we get when he is mad or about to do something to us. (Hint:look at his hand...notice the snowball?) He is a BEAST!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hey, pssst. Come here...Let's play doctor.

So today our babysitter greeted Lynn and I at the door to tell us of today's events. Apparently Ryan and Camden asked Janni (our babysitter) if they could go in the other room to play. She was busy with one of the babies she watches, so told them to play in the room they were already in. Well, when things got quiet, she decided it would be a good idea to check in on them and see what they were "playing". She found them under the table playing doctor. Camden was just finishing his in-depth below the belt examinations. Apparently he was giving Ryan some much needed medicine. Ryan was of course laying there, like a good patient, waiting for Camden to be done with his examination.

As Janni approached them, she asked them what they were playing and they answered "doctor". She then told them that they could play doctor, but that there certain areas that are private on their bodies and other people are not allowed to touch them.

Side note ---Both of these boys have had doctor's appointments within the last three days. Every time our doctor is about to examine them he explains what he is about to do and reminds the kids that only parents and doctors can check you in the private area.

Camden was the first to admit that Ryan had done it too. Of course he had. There was no doubt in my mind that Ryan had participated. I can almost tell you word for word what Ryan had done and poor Camden was the one who got caught.

My favorite part of the whole story is when Janni just reminded them again that it was not appropriate, Camden again said, "Ryan did it too, you just never saw him!" I love it! There was no way he was going down for this without taking his partner in crime with him.

You will have to excuse me now, because as Lynn said... "And Heather, feel free to post Camden's picture alongside Ryan's in your blog on what to look for in a few years when they are registered on Megan's Law website together!"

Monday, January 18, 2010

40th Brithday Part 2

On Saturday night we headed to the Flemmer's house for a little birthday celebration for Brent, one of Rich's longest and dearest friends. The evening was very fun and relaxing, just hanging with good friends. Danny Kapic, also a friend that is turning 40 this year, came with his wife and three adorable children. And Uncle Frank came over from the city to have a milder celebration from the one he had the weekend before. The kids had so much fun playing together and the adults had so much fun catching up.

This picture was taken by Lauren, Brent's oldest daughter, and luckily she didn't pan out too far because you would be able to see that those are his middle fingers. Nice!

Group shot: (top from left) Rich, Brent, Frank, Danny, (bottom from left) Matthew, Me, Ryan, Kendall, Sharon, Lauren, Bailey, Emilie, Parker, and Fletcher.

Gabbing after dinner..

Monday, January 11, 2010

40th Birthday Party Pt. 1

We are going to have multiple posts about the year of the "40", because all of Rich's friends...including him...are turning 40 this year. Over the weekend we headed to SF for Uncle Frank's birthday party and it was FABULOUS!!! Even though I was the DD, it was amazingly fun and I am super glad I talked the husband into taking me. He was trying to convince me it was a "boy only" party, but I scored an invite. In some of the pictures you will notice I wasn't the only wife there! :)

Not all pictures are going to be posted because I made a promise to the birthday boy and if I ever want him to talk to me again, I will need to keep them private! However, they are quite hysterical and for the right amount of money I might be persuaded to share one or ten of them.

Pictured: Danny, Me, Sharon, Ashley, Bob, and Rich

Pictured: Rob, Frank (birthday boy), Brent, and Rich

Pictured: Frank, Rich, and Kelvin

Pictured:Bob, Rich, Frank, and Brent

Pictured: Rich, Frank, and Brent

Monday, January 4, 2010

This boy....

I thought I would blog tonight about Ryan turning three because I just know I will be too busy tomorrow.

The baby boy is now 3. And you know what they say, "Three is the new Two." Ryan is so many different personalities wrapped up in the cutest package possible. He is sweet, smart, devious, pouty, unpredictable, loving, manipulative, caring, mischievous, hysterical, crazy, hyper, and he is irreplaceable.

As much as he drives us crazy one minute, he can turn around and say something that is so tender and sweet the next. We tend to laugh more than we scold. Sometime during my c-section the doctor must have removed my backbone because it appears at times that I do not have one when it comes to him. I just feel myself laughing and giggling at everything he says and does. Matthew is wondering where the parents are the raised him.

So, happy birthday to our little dude. We love you Ryan!

Here are the many faces of Ryan....

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day!

Happy 2010!!! We decided to take advantage of Daddy's day off and we headed up to the mountains for some fun in the snow. By the way, if you are thinking I forgot to post Christmas pictures...I didn't. We didn't take a single picture on Christmas day. We have video, just no pictures. We're lame, I know.

A Marini trip is never without a little drama. Exactly two minutes before I had everyone in the car and set to go, Ryan slammed the door on Matthew's finger. There was screaming, followed by crying, then more screaming, followed by anger, ending in Ryan's flat refusal to apologize. After our threat of him staying home alone and not enjoying the snow with the family, he wised up and said "I'm sorry" in a voice that only God could hear. At least his lips moved.

Here are some pics from the day. The boys had a blast throwing snowballs at me and Rich...mostly me. We found a little hill that they could go down on their discs. It was quick, simple and fun.

This picture screams DNA.

Matthew getting ready to head down the hill.

Daddy and Ryan on the attack.

He loves the snow and really could have played in it all day.

They look sweet and cute, but they are minutes from using me as target practice!