Here are all the kids right when we got up there. They are ready to go! Well, everyone except maybe for Ryan.
Here is Camden eating snow. What???? It was's fine.
This is just genius...thanks to Lynn. Why not use the kids play stuff to stand on so our feet don't get wet???
Matthew was thrilled to take the football out and throw it around on the "driving range."
Darling picture of Kirsten and Camden.
The first of MANY snow ball fights.
Jason and Colson sledding down the hill!
Perhaps my favorite picture from the day. Too cute!
Colson playing in the snow...approximately five minutes later he was smart enough to head back to the car and watch a movie where it was nice and warm. Ryan joined him soon after.
Jason and Kirsten sledding down the hill.
Camden and Ryan about to head down together. They had so much fun!
Lynn and I....this pretty much the extent of what we did that day...nothing.
And Ryan! Look at that face!!!! The look we get when he is mad or about to do something to us. (Hint:look at his hand...notice the snowball?) He is a BEAST!!!
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