Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baseball Fever

It's baseball season! It is still technically basketball season and soccer season, but who's counting at this point? Last Saturday was my big sports day. Rich was working so I was on my own for the day. At 8:20 Ryan had soccer, which ended at 9:30, so we had a half an hour to kill before Matt had to be at baseball practice at 10:00 (YES MY CAR SLIPPED INTO AUTOPILOT AND DROVE ITSELF TO STARBUCKS....HOW DOES IT KNOW HOW TO DO THAT????). Then from 10:00-11:00 he had baseball practice, which we had to leave early to get across town to his basketball game that started at 11:00. SAY IT WITH ME---MOTHER'S DAY SPA PACKAGE!!! At the end of all of it, we survived the all craziness and wardrobe changes and came home to take naps.

On Sunday we took Matt to the batting cages. As a former softball player, it seems it is in my blood that if I come anywhere near a pitching machine, I want to put on a helmet and take some battling practice. The smell....don't you love the smell of batting cages??? I love it. Our intentions for the trip were to get Matt in and let him get used to hitting with pitches, just not off the tee. So, it was kind of a surprise when Ryan decided to throw a MAJOR FIT and decide that he also needed to hit some balls. Try explaining to a three year old, who is currently and successfully screaming so loud you no longer heard the pitching machines, that he can't get into a cage and swing at a ball flying out of a machine straight toward his head. It was RIDICULOUS!!! Apparently the owner of the batting cages has dealt with this before because he knew exactly what to do...he would let Ryan take batting practice.

WHAT???????? I looked at Rich and said, "HE IS NOT GETTING IN THE CAGE AND TAKING SOME HITS!!!" To which Rich replied, "Oh no! Of course not!!" you can see, he took some hits.

This was him when knew he had won and was getting in the cage.

This is just darling....

And, oh yeah...the purpose of the trip to begin with. Matt actually did very well. A pitching machine can be very hard to read and overall he did good. I am sure he wanted to politely turn around and say "SHUT UP!" to Rich and I because we coached him on every pitch telling him to keep his feet spread, keep your back elbow up, head down--focus on the ball. Yeah...we were annoying.

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