I did something smart. I hooked up with friends who have go-getter, pleaser husbands. The kind of husbands that say, “Well, what do you want? Really? That will be good? Sure, okay!” Those kind of husbands. Now, I have a pleaser husband too. He is just a bit cheaper than the other “Sure, okay!” husbands. Cheaper… wait I need find a better, nicer word---FRUGAL! Frugal is better! Yes, he’s frugal. He’s the coupon carrying, discount shopping, never going to pay regular price for anything husband. So I got smart. I got him to befriend the “Sure, okay’s!” in hopes he might convert to the dark side. The “pay full price” dark side.
Now, I am not going to say there was a game plan. I am simply going to say there was a well, thought out, orchestrated idea that was proposed to one of the “Sure, okay’s”. He was selected to contact Mr. Frugal with the "idea." We figured this "Sure okay" was the best one to close the deal because he is the biggest go-getter of them all. His only problem...get Mr. Frugal to commit to full price.
Now, I have been with Mr. Frugal for a while now, I know how his mind works. It’s like a giant checkbook register….constantly calculating withdraws and deposits. This was a BIG withdraw to him and that meant I had to have a plan. I didn’t quite know what the plan was, but I knew it had to be creative and something that would get his attention. I racked my brain for a couple of days, thinking and thinking, and all I could come up with were lame, low deposit ideas. Nothing suitable for the big withdraw I was asking for. That’s when the Spa God’s answered my prayers.
I walked into the staff room at work one day and there they were…WINE AND ROSES SPA COUPONS!!!!
YOU ARE WELCOME!!!!! CONTACT THE “Sure, okay’s”….WE ARE IN!!!!
Because the truth is, Mr. Frugal can’t pass up a deal. He can’t. It’s almost physically impossible for him to throw coupons away without trying to use them and get a deal. Coupons are like crack to him. He can’t quit them…when they sit there and expire without use, it’s like his body goes through detox and he needs his fix. And I was sitting there with his next score in my hand.
Back to the point of the post….that little mention at the end of the Mother’s Day post about my spa day on the 30th…that was the understatement of the year. I really can’t remember a time when I was looking forward to something so much like I was today. It was the perfect time to do it. There was no stress from school, no stress about who was going to watch the boys…it was just up to me to relax and enjoy. And that is what I did.
We started the day changing into our spa attire, a robe and flip-flops. There is something about the way a spa smells. The warm mist from the sauna combined with the smell of all of the available products ready for my abuse of use is intoxicating to me. I love it with every fiber of my being.
My facial was fabulous. It included a foot massage, which is happy place material for me because I have never had a facial include a foot massage. After, we met back in the tranquility room for tea and granola. Our plan was simple…not to leave until they kicked us out. Once all of our treatments were done we headed out to the courtyard. There were two spas and a huge waterfall that emptied into both. It was the perfect setting for us to do nothing and it was beyond relaxing.
When we finally did leave, we promised ourselves that we would be back. The facials were great, but the setting, attire, and company were the highlights of the day. As we sat there we decided this needed to be an annual thing. The perfect way to end a school year…that happens to be right around Mother’s Day. How perfect is that?