Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Happy Mother's Day to all!  I had a very nice Mother's Day.  It started with me sleeping in and then Rich taking the boys to get me a coffee so I could watch Betty White on SNL without any interruptions.  Then I set out for a pedicure...just me and the nice lady lady who rubbed my feet while I read for an hour and a half.  Next we went to lunch with Richard and Sharon.  We celebrated Mother's Day and Richard's birthday.  Rich (the designated driver) was kind enough to sit through a lunch where Sharon and I each had two lemon drops and Richard had two Strawberry Splashes....or something like that.  I went for a walk with freshly downloaded music so I could serenade my neighborhood off-key.  And last night Rich went and got take-out to round off my no cooking day.  It was fabulous.

However nice and relaxing all of the above was....Nothing...NOTHING was better than my gifts.  The first one is from Ryan.  Last week our babysitter Janni helped all the kids make these little flower pots.  When I opened mine from words can describe his reaction.  To say he was proud of his gift would be the understatement of the year.  He had a grin on his face from ear to ear and he giggled..."You like it???"  I told him no.... "I LOVE IT!"

Here is Ryan's pot.  I haven't taken care of something so carefully since the day I brought a new baby home from the hospital.

The next gift I opened was from Matthew.  It was in a decorated Chinese food container and inside was a letter to me from him explaining all the gifts inside.  He too was so proud...mostly on how well he had colored the paper (which he did a fabulous job on).  Here is what the letter said...

Mother's Day Memory Box

I painted a little box.
I put in a teddy bear.  It shows how we love to bear hug.
I put in a piece of gum.
It shows how we always stick together.
I put in some nuts.
They show how silly we like to be.
I put in a bandage.
It shows how you always come to my rescue.
I put in a chocolate kiss.  
It shows how good it feels to be loved.
And Mom, don't forget...I'll love you forever!

Love, Matthew

I absolutely loved it.  I told him we'll keep everything in the box and save it just the way it is.

I got one more gift...from Rich...a spa day on the 30th.  I won't say it is my favorite gift, because the boys gifts were priceless, but it is REALLY REALLY NICE AND I CAN'T WAIT TO GO!!!!!!

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