Last week I got a new bag from a co-worker's daughter, who was selling them for a fundraiser. She comes and sees me every year and every year I tell myself that I am "helping out for a good cause". Truth be told, if she hasn't come to see me by November, I seek her out and ask if Rich has somehow gotten to her and forbid her from coming to see me. I would not put it past him. And if I may add this small tidbit of information, I also view my bags as a strong force of estrogen in a testosterone filled household. I kind of feel like if I am in charge of snacks and drinks for one of the boys' teams, then I should be able to carry them out in a brightly floral bag if I want to. Not everything in this house needs to be in a form of blue or green. It's just a small reminder that a girl is still living in this house.
The other night, a day or so after "the new bag" had made its "No, I'm not new" debut, Rich said-- "Tell me you didn't buy a new bag." Me-- "I didn't buy a new bag." Rich-- "The bag you used the other day looked new. Did you buy a new bag?" Me-- "I'm confused. You just told me to tell you I didn't buy a new, what exactly are you trying to get me to say?" Rich sighing,-- "Heather." Me sighing,-- "Rich?" Rich-- "Stop buying bags!!! We don't need anymore!!! You have plenty and you don't use all of the ones you have now! Stop buying bags!!!" Me-- "Yeah, I can't promise that. But I hear you and I respect your position on the subject."
Here is just the collection from the pantry. This does not include my bedroom or the boys' rooms. And since he claims he never reads this blog...I'll assume you are all Team Heather on this and not out me.
A couple other happenings at the Marini Household include the beginning of Ryan's flag football season. Don't confuse this with the soccer season that he is still in the middle of, we just added this one to make sure all of our Saturday's are filled up at some type of field. He is super excited though, he is playing with his good friends from school. One of his best little buddies is Tyler Franklin, and his dad is the head varsity football coach for Tokay. It's understood that everything they do is purple related, I get that, we just continue to tell Ryan---just remember you bleed red, we are Flames for life.
Don't get any ideas.
A little excited that he is on his Uncle Mike's favorite team.
Pick 6.
And I love that Tyler's sister Gabby is on the team!
And we are officially on vacation. Did I mention that??? Seriously, the fastest first quarter of school in history. Here is Matt getting an award for the first quarter. He has worked really hard this quarter, harder than he has ever had to work, and we are super proud of how he is doing. He no longer comes to see me for part of the day, so we are back to the occasional, low attention "S'up" we share when passing in the halls. This was a good decision for a number of reasons, but most of all I can go back to using him when talking about things in class. It was hard to talk about him in the middle of class and the kids not give him a bad time. So now we, the kids in my class and myself, have a deal--what happens in Room 12, stays in Room 12. Also, he was correcting me occasionally when I misspoke and called me on it several times...that little shit.
And it's hockey season again!!! The other night we headed to our first game of the new season. It was fun to be back in the Tank again!
Can anyone tell I got a new phone??? Aren't the pics a little better??? I am in love and I am no longer attached to my charge cord. It's like a whole new life. I seriously can't tell you how happy this makes me feel. Oh, I got new tires on my car---equally as exciting by the way....
And finally, Mike and Stacy and the kids came down a few weekends ago and we did something pretty amazing. I can't share with you now, but I will when I get the nod of approval from Stacy. It was Rad with a capital R and that is all I am saying.
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