When it turned over 100 this weekend, we did the only thing we could do to beat the heat....get the heck out of town. It was either that, or melt. I hate the heat. I hate being hot. I hate the feeling of being sweaty and dirty. This is why I will relocate to the coast as soon as it is monetarily available....can anyone say "marine layer"?.
To be honest, do you know what sent me over the edge? Matthew's soccer game. It was miserable, and it was only 8:30 in the morning. MISERABLE!!!! As we stood observing the game, not moving...mind you, just observing, we all were sweating like crazy. I felt like the witch on Wizard of Oz that melts when she comes in contact with water. I think part of my DNA is still on the soccer field. And Ryan wanted to be held the entire time. He was complaining that he wanted to leave and go home, I simply told him to join the club. Patience gone, sweat consuming every inch of my body, I gave in and took Ryan home. Did I mention that he wanted to be carried the entire way? And that when I put him down, he wrapped his body around my leg and I proceeded to drag him a little bit until a car drove by. Fearing a call to authorities, I picked him up and finished the walk with him on my hip. The highlight of this whole morning was when Rich and Matt decided not to come immediately home and let us into the house, they went to a garage sale instead. Let's just say when Rich and Matt pulled up in my nicely air conditioned car fifteen minutes after the game had ended, I had a few choice words for both of them.
On to Tahoe. IT WAS GORGEOUS!!! Simply said...it was perfect. It was a sunny 68 and breezy in the shade. The kids played at the arcade in the casinos and believed us when we said they were kid sized slot machines. We had a great dinner and then headed to the beach where we had spotted a playground. Then walked around town after dark with goose bumps on our arms from the chill in the air...GOOSE BUMPS!! It was fabulous! The next day we woke up late, took the kids miniature golfing, back to the arcade, and then we drove around North Shore. The kids feel asleep so we pulled over on the side of the road and I read while Rich just relaxed. We finally headed home and were greeted with the valley heat of 93 at 7:30pm. Needless to say our goose bumps were gone.
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