After breakfast, we came back and relaxed. I went and had a pedicure(happiness) and went to the bookstore(double-happiness). The lady at the bookstore is suspicious of me. I can feel it. She doesn't think it is possible that I can go through 10-12 books in a week to two weeks time and she just watches me while I am in there. Also, I think she hates to take my buy-backs, but I don't care...I am merely working their system. Believe me, it is wise to keep me as a customer. I have a crack addiction to my books and they are my cheap supplier.
We capped off our evening by taking my father-in-law out to dinner for his birthday. All in all a very nice day.
My gift will arrive on Tuesday...a limited addition Bon Jovi tee shirt :-) and a picture of my tulips is below.
Hey Auntie Heather, crab eggs Benedict? What kind of tiny fork and knife do they give you to work on those itsy-bitsy crab eggs? Do you have to peel each individual crab egg -- or does one eat crab eggs with shells and all? Which came first, the crab or the egg? Skip all that and move straight to the chocolate chip cookie dough Pop Tarts. Mmmmm. I love fruit.